Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. You are a marvelous dancer! You must be in great shape in order to dance like that. I must say that dance would never work in my lifestyle. Keep up the wonderful work!

  2. I applaud what you have done! The skill and stregnth you must have held to perform in such ways as you did! I think you must have been a beautiful dancer as well! What you did must have taken so much bravery! I think it is great that you worked hard all of your life, effort goes a long way!

  3. By the looks of it, you are a very exquisite and composed young lady. I think your dancing is just amazing and I admire your courage. I know I could never continue in such a profession, that might be one of the reasons I chose the path of a writer. You seem to have a deep fascination in the arts, as well as I do myself. I am glad that we were apart of the same Era and have this glorious opportunity to learn and talk to such an amazing young lady, as yourself.
